Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

For Authors

Journal “Lomonosov Psychology Journal" accepts for publication articles, reviews, short reports, etc. in the main areas of research and educational work of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University. The journal is open to publish the results of research by specialists in the field of psychological sciences from other scientific institutions and higher educational settings.

Authors are not paid royalties or other compensation for any services. The author and the journal interact completely free of charge. We recommend that authors get familiarized with the recommendations of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers for preparing scientific articles. The text is available at: https://rassep.ru/academy/biblioteka/106585/

Copyright for any article remains with the author(s).

List of documents required when submitting a manuscript

Before submitting a manuscript to the editorial office of the journal, all authors must first get familiarized with the Requirements for the formatting of articles and with the style file (see the link for download at the end of the list of documents). Manuscripts sent to the Editorial Board of Lomonosov Psychology Journal are to be accompanied by the following documents: the original text of the article with all tables, figures, and graphs attached, as well as a list of references and information about authors (in two languages: Russian and English). Information about authors is to contain the full names of all authors, their academic degrees, titles, places of work or study, city and country, as well as the ORCID numbers (https://orcid.org/0000-0000-0000-0000), and E -mail.

The above list of documents is mandatory; in the absence of the listed materials, the editors reserve the right not to accept the manuscript.

In addition, a license agreement is concluded with all authors. Sample (in docx format).

It is also necessary to provide a scan of the declaration for no conflict of interest, signed by all authors: DOWNLOAD STATEMENT

For the license agreement, please, indicate the following data:

  1. Full name,
  2. contact details (e-mail, telephone number),
  3. passport details: number, by whom and when it was issued,
  4. address (registration and address for correspondence).

Text of the manuscript

The original text of the manuscript is submitted to the editor electronically in style file format. The manuscript is to be formatted in accordance with the requirements for formatting the articles of the Journal and the style file. It should contain: title, affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, text of the article, references.

All illustrations are to be editable and placed in the text.

Translation of the abstract, keywords, as well as tables and figures into English is provided by the author and is included in the text of the article.

Appendices to the text of the manuscript

Tables, diagrams, graphs, figures are sent by the author upon request to the journal's e-mail address in MS Word and MS Excel formats. The author has to provide the original data file to enable editing of diagrams, graphs and figures.

Figures and diagrams are to be black and white only: black elements on a white background and are to be presented in jpeg or tiff formats with an extension of 300 dpi without compression.

DOWNLOAD Guide to Article Formatting

DOWNLOAD Article style file

Being received by the editorial board of the journal, the article is to be checked for:

  • Originality of the text by the “Anti-plagiarism” system
  • Consistency with the thematic policy of the journal
  • Format according to the Author’s Guide and the Style file

In case the above mentioned conditions are met, the article is sent to the reviewers.

The common rules for reviewing https://msupsyj.ru/about/reviewing/ as well as the responsibility of the reviewers https://msupsyj.ru/about/redaktsionnaya-politika/ are described in the corresponding parts at the website.